星期二, 4月 17, 2007

One Cubed” Non-stop一激音樂唱不停

Faith & Florence were attended - One Cubed” Non-stop 一激音樂唱不停 on 6 Apr (Fri) afternoon. As usual, we met many friends overthere.

Let me share some photos with you! Concert Poster
Julia@Faith, Sally@Faith, Florence, Jeff@Faith & Amos

你看我和Peter(金培達)都穿著墨綠色燈芯絨外套, 一定要來一幅合照囉!

ps. 那時他還未奪得第26屆香港電影金像獎攝影的原創電影音樂獎, 現在要補祝一句 "Congratulations!"

Photo with Lois and Florence!